As Owners Of Several Prestigious Properties, We Present A Distinguished, Reliable Partnership For Your Luxury Consignments.

Raising funds for your mission, fostering good, delivering unique once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

As Proprietors Of Several Prestigious Properties, We Present A Distinguished, Reliable Partnership For Your Luxury Consignments.

Raising funds for your mission, fostering good, delivering unique once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

Partner Together

Partner with our LEI nonprofit travel specialists to provide unique experiences to your donors and alleviate the risk and boredom with standard vacation packages that other consignment companies offer.

Zero Risk

Our luxury travel vacations are offered on consignment, meaning they’re free to place at your event. When a vacation sells, you keep 100% of the proceeds above the charity reserve price. If a selection doesn’t sell, there’s zero financial obligation to your cause.

Five-Star Quality

LEI privately owns many of our luxury properties, which means partnering with us gives you access to guaranteed five-star unique and once-in-a-lifetime vacations for your donors.

Save Time

Spend less of your valuable time managing and creating marketing materials for our vacations at your event. We provide full turn-key promotional materials to you at no charge to amplify those bids.

Partner Together

Zero Risk

Five-Star Quality

Save Time

Partner with our LEI nonprofit travel specialists to provide unique experiences to your donors and alleviate the risk and boredom with standard vacation packages that other consignment companies offer.

Our luxury travel vacations are offered on consignment, meaning they’re free to place at your event. When a vacation sells, you keep 100% of the proceeds above the charity reserve price. If a selection doesn’t sell, there’s zero financial obligation to your cause.

LEI privately owns many of our luxury properties, which means partnering with us gives you access to guaranteed five-star unique and once-in-a-lifetime vacations for your donors.

Spend less of your valuable time managing and creating marketing materials for our vacations at your event. We provide full turn-key promotional materials to you at no charge to amplify those bids.